You understand that work is a rubber ball. 你明白工作是一个橡胶球。
In the study, volunteers were given a rubber ball and asked to squeeze it as hard as possible before trying to memorise a list of 72 words. 在这一研究中,研究人员给每个志愿者发了一个橡皮球,并让他们在试着记住一个包含72个单词的列表时尽全力握紧它。
A small rubber ball used in the game of handball. 用于手球运动中小橡胶球。
Condenser rubber ball cleaning is generally believed to be very effective in raising steam turbine efficiency. 凝汽器胶球清洗是提高汽轮机效率的有效方法。
This is a rubber ball. 这是一个橡胶球。
Measures for retrieve ball rate increasing of condenser cleaning device with sponge rubber ball 提高凝汽器胶球清洗装置收球率的措施
It's not actually wine in the glass globes, but liquid mixtures that deliver the scent when you put your nose in the funnel and squeeze the rubber ball. 玻璃杯中不是真正的葡萄酒,而是当你把鼻子凑到漏斗并挤压橡皮球后发出来的混合液体的味道。
This rubber ball doesn't blow up easily. 这个橡皮球不易充气。
And the idea was for players to project the hard rubber ball through the ring. 想法是让队员将硬硬的橡胶球通过那个环投出去。
You will soon understand that work is a rubber ball. 很快地你会了解工作是一个橡皮球。
The Effect of Stimulus Quantity in the Treatment of Acute Cerebral Infarction with Cluster Acupuncture on Scalp-point by Retaining Long Time ( CASPRLT); The child's rubber ball punctured when it fell on a prickly bush. 探讨刺激量在头穴丛刺长留针法治疗急性脑梗死中的作用那小孩的皮球落在带刺的树丛上时被戳破了。
The tiger jumped onto a big rubber ball and rolled from one side of the lever to the other as the woman waved the lash. 女郎鞭子一挥,虎兄便跳上一个大皮球,从撬板的这一端稳稳地滚到另一端。
One day, my mom cut a rim off an old water barrel and then held it up for me to throw an old rubber ball through. 还记得有一天,母亲把一只旧水桶沿边剪下一个圈来,为我举着,让我投橡皮球玩。
He played with his rubber ball in the bathtub. 他在澡盆里玩他的橡皮球。
You will soon understand that work is a rubber ball, but the other four balls family, health, friends and spirit are made of glass. Then, how strive for balance in your life? 好呢快你就会了解工作是一个橡皮球,但家庭、健康、朋友和心灵这四个球是用玻璃做成的,那么,如何才能使生活平衡呢?
His favorite toy is a rubber ball. 他心爱的玩具是一个橡胶球。
A form of baseball played in the streets with a rubber ball and broomstick handle. 一种在街道玩的棒球游戏具有一个橡胶球和一个扫帚形的把手。
Well, young lady, I wanted to be good when I was younger, but life has been a struggle for me, and I've become as hard and tough as a rubber ball. 好吧,年轻的姑娘,我年轻时想做个好人,但生活对我来说是一场斗争,我已经变得和橡胶球一样坚韧了。
A form of baseball played with a rubber ball and a stick, such as one made from the handle of a broom, for a bat. 一种棒球形式,用一个橡胶球扣一个棍子,如用扫帚把制得的,用以击球。
A rubber ball attached to a paddle by an elastic string loses energy as it files away from the paddle. 一根弹性绳把一只皮球拴在一块叶片上当球飞离叶片时,球失去能量。
This rubber ball wont sink; it floats. 邅种橡皮球不会下沉,它会浮著。
It was a sturdy organ& pink, firm as a small rubber ball, and shaped much like the kidney beans you'd find at a restaurant salad bar. 这是一个茁壮的器官&粉红、和橡皮球一样坚硬,形状更像是餐馆沙拉吧中的四季豆。
ATTACK with your weapon of choice and STRIKE as many times as possible BEFORE the rubber ball hits the deck and bounces once! 用你选择的身体武器进攻,在橡皮球落地并弹跳一次之前攻击尽可能多的次数!
To each time tumbles stands immediately, each time falls down the negative image rubber ball to jump equally a higher person, does not matter the defeat. 对每次跌倒而立刻站起来、每次坠地反像皮球一样跳得更高的人,是无所谓失败的。
For example if a rubber ball bounces and hits the ground it will tend to flatten when it hits. 例如如果一个橡胶球弹跳并击打在地面时,它将趋向压平它当它击在地面时。
Problem Exited in Rubber Ball Cleaning Unit& its Treatment Scheme in Shenmu Power Generation Corporation 神木发电公司胶球清洗装置存在的问题及处理方案
The child's rubber ball punctured when it fell on a prickly bush. 那小孩的皮球落在带刺的树丛上时被戳破了。